Honors Program Requirements

Honors Classes

Each department with honors offerings upholds a rigorous and advanced program that provides additional in-depth analysis and review of the standard course. Throughout the Course Description Guide, honors classes are indicated next to the course title as (H).


Students, future 10th-12th grade, not currently in Honors must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and a 3.5 GPA from the previous year in the academic discipline to enroll in an honors course within a specific content area. To remain in the honors program during 2nd semester for a given course, students must earn a “B” or better 1st semester. Students may continue in the honors program the following year with a “B” or better. However, students who are struggling should meet with their counselor to discuss options. (Letter grades in honors classes below “B” may negatively impact scholarship options and university admissions. It’s best to talk with your counselor regarding these issues.)

High school staff will place incoming freshmen into Honors English and Honors Science using the following information: Q1-Q3 grades, previous years’ state assessment scores (to be verified with current test scores, which are received in June) and LHUSD Benchmark Assessments. Math placement will follow honors criteria above.

Honors Weighting

Grades earned in honors classes are weighted when the student earns a “C” or above. At the end of each semester, the weighted (honors and advanced) GPA is based on a 5-point scale (i.e.) A=5, B=4, C=3, D=1, F=0.